1. “Diversas sequências”: samples of different realizations and segmentations, recorder in lab. A powerpoint presentation shows f0 curve’s images for each one of them, providing the audio file as well, divided into four sub-files. of the locutive content “João vai pro Rio até amanhã” (João is going to Rio until tomorrow); DOWNLOAD

  2. “Urano”: four different realizations of “Urano” (Uranus) locutive content, from a natural context recording extracted from the C-ORAL-BRASIL I corpus (Raso & Mello, 2012). A .doc file displays f0 curve’s images for each realization, together with their audio files; DOWNLOAD

  3. “Textos”: audio files extracted from bfamdl04 and bfammn03 recording sessions from the C-ORAL-BRASIL I corpus. DOWNLOAD

More information and details on speech segmentation and on the study of illocutions can be found in:

T. Raso. O C-ORAL-BRASIL e a Teoria da Língua em Ato. Em: T. Raso & H. Mello. C-ORAL-BRASIL I. Corpus de referência do português falado informal. Belo Horizonte: UFMG, 2012

H. Mello. Experiences & requirements of spoken corpora compilation. In: T. Raso & H. Mello. Spoken corpora and linguistic studies. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2014.